Current Projects

The following are the stories I am currently working on (and posted here). Each will have my summary, rateing, and genres.

Crimson Pain: Touching my arm lightly, I wince from the sudden jolts of pain. Yet I rejoice in the feeling. Besides the pain that sweeps through my body from the self-inflicted wounds, I was numb. [Rated: R, Drama/Angst]

Revealed Secrets: Raquel is haveing dreams about a life once lived. So when she meets Ian, a new guy in town, her world is flipped. And everything she thought she knew changes... what do you do when your dreams turn out to be so much more than that? [Rated: PG13, Romance/Drama/Supernatural]

Music of the Night: They were brought together by circumstance. Found a love that would last. And a secret that would change everything. [Rated: PG13, Romance/Drama/Supernatural]

19 February 2007

Revealed Secrets [01] [PG13, Romance/Drama/Supernatural]

Revealed Secrets
Chapter One

“Walk much?”

Glancing up from where I had fallen I glare at the guy standing before me. I have never seen him before; normally I am the only one to get off at this bus stop. In fact, I liked it that way.

“Fuck you,” it’s mumbled and I doubt he even heard it, which is fine; I don’t need to listen to him bitch.

My luck wasn’t with me today, for he did hear me. Though all he did was chuckle and hand me my backpack. That’s when I noticed there was someone else there as well, a girl. And by the looks of them, the two must have been related. The girl, didn’t seem to notice what I had said to her…brother?

Shrugging my backpack back onto my left shoulder, I turn and begin to walk without another word to the other two.

“So what’s your name?”

Turning to look at the girl, I replied, “Raquel Sanders.”

“I’m Kyla Michael and this jerk here would be my brother, Ian.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” they both said.

“I was talking to your sister,” I had to say it… the guy deserved it for being a jerk earlier.

“I’m just so wounded,” Ian said as he put a hand over his heart, with a hurt expression on his face. If it wasn’t for the laughter I could read in his chocolate brown eyes, I would have actually believed him.

“Give it time, you’ll mend.”

“Rude to the newbies, what would your parents say?”

“The question is, do I care?”

This time Ian just outright laughed. He seemed almost surprised by my attitude. Turning away from him I look at Kyla. They were new and I had nothing to do for the day so I figured why not get to know them some more. Won’t my mom be thrilled?

“Wanna hang at my house for a bit?”

“Sure, just let me drop my books off at my house first, and tell my parents.”

“Hey what about me?”

Glancing back at Ian I couldn’t help but smirk, it isn’t very often that you see a guy pouting.

Rolling my eyes, “Fine, you can come too.”

Without waiting for a reply I asked Kyla which house was theirs.

“That one,” she said pointing to the house directly next to mine.

“So you are my new neighbors my mom was talking about last night?” ‘The ones that my mom said had a big screen,’ I added to myself. I didn’t want them to know how nosey my mother was. They’ll have to figure that one out for themselves.

“That would be us,” Kyla replied.

I walked up the driveway to their house with them. Kyla ran on inside while Ian stayed outside with me. Figuring it would pass time I decided to start asking him a bunch of questions.

“What grade are you two in?”

He looked surprised at the fact I can be some-what civil, but he answered nonetheless, “Kyla is a sophomore and I’m a junior.”


“Kyla is sixteen, I’m seventeen,” came the automatic reply, “before you ask anymore questions, you have to answer these past questions and whatever else you come up with, deal?”

“Sure,” shrugging I went on to answer, “I’m a sophomore and I’m sixteen.”

“You’re sixteen?”

“I’m short, I know… but yes I am sixteen.”


“Your hobby?”

“I play the guitar, and yours?”

That spiked my interest.

“I write, anything and everything,” thinking, I added, “everything minus erotica.”

He smirked, “Boyfriend?”

Raising an eyebrow I looked at him, “Nope, single. You?”

“Nope, I don’t date guys.”

“You could have fooled me,” I couldn’t keep the grin off my face, “You know what I meant, any girlfriends?”

“None of those either,”

He had a nice smile when it wasn’t laced with complete sarcasm.

“Your sister takes a long time to drop off a backpack,” I remarked as I glanced at my watch.

“My mom is probably drilling her,” he replied, “Music?”


Blinking, Ian shook his head, “No I mean your favorites…you know… singer, band, song, etcetera.”

“I know,” I smiled, “I’ll listen to anything but rap pretty much. But my favorites would be Brian McKnight, Savage Garden, Linkin Park, and Blink-182. My favorite song would have to be any love song. The main genre I listen to, no matter how sad it is, would be pop and rock.”

“Don’t tell me, you still listen to the Backstreet Boys?”

“Yeah, got a problem with that?”

“No, no problem, I was just wondering.”


“Well what?”

“Aren’t you going to answer your own question? What are your music interests?”

Ian thought for a moment, “Like you, almost anything but rap. Though I’m more partial to the older rock, like Journey, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd.”

“Sorry it took me so long,” Kyla as she walked out the door, slamming it.

“It’s alright, we kept busy,” I replied.

“Ian didn’t bother you too much, did he?” Kyla asked with a knowing look.

“No… if anything I annoyed him with all my questions.”

“She is a nosey one,” Ian said to his sister.

“Runs in my family,” Does it ever, “just wait until you meet my mother… she’s worse than I am.”

We walked the short distance across the lawns silent. I led the way in through the front door and into my home.

“Oh, honey you’re home,” my mother said as she came down the stairs, “And you brought guests?” She looked between Ian, Kyla, and me.

“Mom, let me introduce you two Kyla and Ian Michael, they just moved into the house next door.”

“It’s nice to meet you two,” my mother said as she came to stand before us.

“We’re going up to my room, alright?”

I ushered them out of the room and up the stairs before my mom had the chance to start asking her questions.

“Wow,” Kyla said, “Raquel, you have a great room.”

“Thanks,” I said as I walked into my room and into my closet to grab my beanbag chairs I had, “Will these be comfortable enough?” I said as I brought them out and sat them on my hard wood floors.

“Perfect,” Kyla said sitting down.

Ian, I watched, walked over to my CD rack and looked through them.

“You can play a CD if you want,” I said pointing to my stereo system.

“Anything in particular,” Ian asked looking at me.

I looked at Kyla, I knew what Ian liked, but not her, “Anything you like?”

“Don’t know, what do you have?”

Smirking, “How about this. What’s your favorite singer, group, whatever and I’ll tell you if I have it/them?”

“Britney Spears.”

“Please tell me that you are joking,” I couldn’t keep the horror out of my voice.

Kyla blinked, “What’s wrong with Britney Spears?”

I didn’t even want to explain my hatred for Britney Spear’s music.

“Besides Britney, whom do you listen to?”

Kyla shrugged, “Spice Girls?”

“Ian, you choose the music.”

“What’s wrong with the Spice Girls?” Kyla was looking at me with a very dirty look now.

“I just don’t like them, that’s all,” I replied.

Peeking over at Ian I tried to see what he picked. I can see he had something in his hand, but I couldn’t see the title.

Before I could ask the sound of Vertical Horizon came on.

“Good choice.”

Ian took the beanbag next to me and sat down, “Thanks.”

“Who is it?”

“Vertical Horizon, sis,” Ian said


“Not a huge music fan, are you?” I asked, stunned.

I’ve never met someone who wasn’t totally into music. I just always seemed to find those who knew all music.

“Not like Ian, no,”

It got silent pretty quickly. It was weird having two people in my room, which I hardly knew. The silence was comfortable though. Plus, it made for a great time to get a good look at the two.

Ian had dark brown hair that reached his ears. His haircut reminded me a lot of Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys from his earlier years. He had deep, dark chocolate brown eyes. I also know that he is a good three to four inches taller than my five feet self.

Kyla had light brown hair that went to her chin. Her eyes were brown, almost like her brothers, the only difference was that hers were a light color. Unlike her brother, she was closer to my height, maybe an inch taller.

“Excuse me you guys, but Kyla, honey, your mom is here asking for you.” My mom said standing in my doorway.

Kyla let out a deep sigh and stood up, “Okay, thanks Mrs. Sanders.”

I watched as my mom led Kyla back downstairs, leaving me once again alone with Ian.

Looking towards Ian it didn’t take much for me to realize he had been watching me. The look in his eyes had my heart beating faster than it should have been. I blame this on the fact my mom shocked me out of my zoned state when I was watching Ian and Kyla. There is no way it has anything, what so ever to do with Ian.

Okay, so it had everything to do with him. So sue me, Ian is cute.

Deciding that he isn’t going to let up on his staring I stare at him right back. This proves to be just as bad, when I feel a jolt of something.

For some reason this felt familiar somehow. It was almost like I knew him from before. I can’t explain it… it’s almost like I have known him for years.

Suddenly I felt as if the room was spinning. Then it went black.

“Jonathon, will you listen to me?” I was in tears as I tried to get him to stop walking for just a moment to hear what I needed to say to him.

“What is it, Kaitlyn? I have to get home,” he replied coolly, yet he did stand still for me to continue talking.

“I’m sorry,” I knew the words weren’t enough, but they were all I had.

“You know what,” Jonathon’s voice lowered a bit, “I am too.”

With that he started to walk away again. I had no idea what to make of it as I stood there. I could no longer stop the tears that were now making their journey down my face. And suddenly, it hit me. I loved him.

Jonathon, I loved him.


I barely opened my eyes before I shut them again. My head was pounding, I felt as if I was having a migraine.

“Raquel, are you okay?” Ian said.

“What happened?”

One minute I was sitting in my beanbag chair, the next I was laying over it with a headache. My question seemed like a good one to me.

“I think you fainted,” he said, “you were out for a few minutes.”

Finally I opened my eyes to find Ian was close to me… right beside me now. That’s when it hit me. Normally I’d let it go, thinking it was my imagination, but the dream felt real… almost as if it did happen. But this dream I can’t shake… especially since I’ve had it twice before. The fact was that:

Ian was identical to the guy from my dream, Jonathon.

Okay, so really that shouldn’t be too much of a shocker, should it? I mean I was looking at him right before I had the dream and I can’t remember what he, Jonathon looked like in my past two dreams. Yet somehow, I just know they were identical then as well.

Shaking my head I sat up slowly, my migraine passing as quickly as it came to me. I had stopped looking at Ian, but I can still feel his eyes watching me. I can easily guess what I would see in them if I were to look and it’s not something I want to see.

“Are you okay, Raquel?” Ian asked still right by my side.

“Yeah, I’m okay, I’m probably just hungry,” Which wasn’t a total lie, I had skipped lunch that day and I was hungry.

Ian wasn’t totally convinced by this, “You sure?”

Looking into his eyes now, I could tell he was actually worried about me. Me, Raquel Sanders, a girl he just met maybe an hour ago.

“Yeah I’m sure.”

And I was. That in its self was a bit weird considering that the dream had freaked me out a bit, but now I felt okay. In fact it’s almost as if I didn’t just have that dream again.


I cannot believe I fainted! The fact that the embarrassment just hit me, I’m going to overlook, but still. I fainted in front of Ian, whom I just met today, and was out of it for a bit. Someone was not on my side today.

“Ian,” Kyla said then looked at me, “What’s wrong with you Raquel? You’re blushing.”

She looked from Ian to me than back to Ian before she started to giggle. Giggle, she actually giggled at us… me.

“Did I interrupt you two or something?”

Before anyone could say anything a pillow hit her, thanks to Ian.

“Whatever,” A look was sent to me that clearly stated she thought something had happened...well something did… just not what she was thinking, “Ian, mom wants you home now.”

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