Current Projects

The following are the stories I am currently working on (and posted here). Each will have my summary, rateing, and genres.

Crimson Pain: Touching my arm lightly, I wince from the sudden jolts of pain. Yet I rejoice in the feeling. Besides the pain that sweeps through my body from the self-inflicted wounds, I was numb. [Rated: R, Drama/Angst]

Revealed Secrets: Raquel is haveing dreams about a life once lived. So when she meets Ian, a new guy in town, her world is flipped. And everything she thought she knew changes... what do you do when your dreams turn out to be so much more than that? [Rated: PG13, Romance/Drama/Supernatural]

Music of the Night: They were brought together by circumstance. Found a love that would last. And a secret that would change everything. [Rated: PG13, Romance/Drama/Supernatural]

19 February 2007

Music of the Night [01] [PG13, Romance/Drama/Supernatural]

Music of the Night
Chapter One

The first time I saw him was when I entered my music appreciation class for third period. I only noticed him because he was sitting at the table where I normally sat alone. He was new to Westbrook High, this much I could tell by the way he stuck to himself, glancing haphazardly around the classroom. Normally I would find another place to sit, but there was only one chair left and it was right next to this new guy.

I made my way slowly towards the table. I let myself take in the picture of the guy in front of me. He had looks that I haven't ever seen before. He had platinum blonde hair that skimmed his shoulders and from what I could see a slender frame. Because of my inability to get decent luck, he turned his face toward me almost as if he sensed me watching him, so I got a view of his eyes. He had brown eyes that seemed to just know. What it is they knew, I couldn't help but wonder.

I glanced away nonchalantly, as if I wasn't just staring, and sat down beside him. I sensed, rather than saw, how he stiffened beside me. And if I were anyone else I probably would have introduced myself. Instead I pulled out my copy of To Kill a Mockingbird that I had to finish for my English class.

Okay, technically I was pretending to read the book. But I've read the book at least a dozen times already and as far as I know the ending is always the same. The reason for my pretending was simple: it kept me from glancing at him again. The fact that I actually didn't blush when I got caught watching him before was surprising enough; I didn't want to risk it to happen if I were to get caught again.

By the time class started I was as stiff as the guy next to me. Mr. Mack, the music appreciation teacher, was as interesting as he usually is. He started the class off by playing a song on the piano that I recognized, but couldn't quite place a name to. When he stopped playing, I had relaxed back into my chair.

Music appreciation always went to quickly for my taste. So when the bell rang I took my time getting my things in order. Out of the corner of my eye I watched the guy next to me leave as quickly as he could.

"Miss LeMarte, could you please stay behind for a moment?" Mr. Mack asked me above the murmurs of my classmates as they made their way out the door.

After the classroom was totally emptied I walked to the front of the room. I already knew what he wanted to speak to me about. Tonight is one of my Piano practices, with him being my piano instructor as well as my teacher; I tend to get called to stay after class a bit.

"I'm going to be a bit late to your practice later," Mr. Mack started as he shuffled through some papers scattered about on his desk, "but I'll leave my door unlocked so you can come in here to practice. I shouldn't be too late, 10 to 15 minutes at the most."

I nodded, "Okay, then I'll see you then, sir."

With a smile he dismissed me so I could go on to my third period class. Pre-Calculus just happened to be my third period and also my most hated subjected. Obviously enough it is always the longest class of the day.

When lunch finally rolled around after my 45-minute torture fest (Pre-Cal) I was yearning to see the faces of my two best friends. I spotted Jolene first as she stood outside the cafeteria leaning against the wall. As I made my way towards her I noticed Craig standing next to her chatting away. Even from here I could see the way Craig felt about Jolene, who was as oblivious to it as ever. Smiling for the first time that day I quickened my stride.

"Chrys, there you are," Jolene exclaimed with a grin. "What took you so long?"

"Mack needed to speak to me about practice later and I forgot to get a pass. So I was late to Pre-Cal."

Craig rolled his eyes, "I told you she had to speak to Mack and forgot to get a pass...again."

Jolene pouted, "You never know, she could have been flirting with some guy."

"First off it's not like this doesn't happen at least twice a month. Secondly, look who we're talking about."

"Good Point."

"Hello, I'm right here," I snapped good-naturedly.

Jolene giggled and changed the subject, "So have you met the new guy?"

Leave it to Jolene to bring him up first thing, "Yeah, he's in Mack's class with me. In fact I ended up sitting next to him."

"Did you speak to him? What's his name?" Jolene paused for a second, when I was about to answer she added, "Is he single?"

I rolled my eyes, "First no I didn't speak to him. I don't know what his name is. And I definitely don't know whether or not he is single."

"His name's William Sullivan," Craig threw in, "I heard it when Ms. Martinez took attendance this morning."

“He seems like the quiet type. And he has this mystery about him,” dreamily Jolene glanced around, probably looking for William.

“It’s not that I don’t enjoy this conversation, but can we please go get some food now,” Craig grumbled. The jealousy in tone was easy to spot.

Jolene and I laughed as the three of us made our way into the cafeteria to get in line for lunch. As we walked through I grabbed a slice of pizza, an apple, and a bottle of water. After paying for our food we made a beeline for our usual table in the back by the window. Luckily enough it was void of anyone else so we sat down on the end like we have done every day since we started high school.

I was about to take a bit out of my apple when Jolene nudged my side with her elbow, her bony elbow.

"What?" I hissed as I rubbed my side just below my ribs. I hated it when she did that. Slanting my eyes to where Jolene was now pointing I saw William sitting down at the far end of the table we were currently sitting.

"Go say Hi, Chrys," Jolene whispered insistently.

"You're the one who likes to talk constantly, you go greet him," I whispered back before I took a bite of my apple.

Craig snickered and shook his head before scooting closer to William, "Hi, I'm Craig, and these two," he motioned us to move closer so we did, "are Jolene and Chrys."

Jolene smiled flirtatiously at him when Craig introduced her. I merely nodded my acknowledgement.

"Will," he replied simply as he kept his gaze on me.

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